Monday, March 19, 2012

Time held me...

My dear readers,

I know this post is late, but it'll also be a bit short -- forgive me, and I promise more and better soon!

All Levels:

First, let Mr. Hopkins read this to you:

I recommend just closing your eyes and listening the first time.

Then, for the visual learners, read the poem here:

John Corigliano's setting of the poem appears several places on YouTube, but this one seems to work well: (Part 1) (Part 2)

Listen to the whole piece (about 20 minutes total).

Derive the form (I have my own opinion about it....I'd love to know yours!).  How does this reflect the form and/or content of the poem?

Figure out what's going on metrically...find the big beat, and then figure out what's up with the subdivisions.

Sing the opening instrumental theme, and see if you can apply some solfege to it.

Sing the opening vocal theme (soprano part), and see if you can apply some solfege to that.

At the end of the piece, something very interesting happens to the opening vocal theme -- it's sung in unison by the whole choir at "Oh, as I was young and easy in the mercy of his means," but it's altered -- how would you describe this alteration?

Transcribe anything you'd's challenging, so take a small bite and see what you can do.

That's it this time...but please enjoy!  Time has its own hold on me at the moment, which I'm hoping it will loosen soon!

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