Sunday, December 12, 2010

Almost there...

Hello, my hard-working students!

The break is in sight! I've done the last of my academic chores (including the composition of a 30-measure 3-voice motet in 16th-century imitative counterpoint....yes, yes, I know you're jealous...maybe Santa will inspire me to bring it to all of you as an ensemble exercise next summer...oh, rapture. Or something.), and am now doing some prep work for next semester, getting ready for a weekend of concerts with the DGMC, and have been especially busy working on publicity for a very cool conference happening in February. And one of these days, I might even get Christmas shopping done...

I am more than certain you're all in about the same place, so I'm aiming to keep this week simple and straightforward. All I ask is that you conduct while singing all of the following, lest the syncopation render your task more difficult than need be:

Rising Level 2's
Read through the following Ottmans, paying special attention to the rhythms and phrase lengths:
15.70-15.76 (look, you can just open the book and not even have to turn pages!)

Rising Level 3's
Read through the following Ottmans, paying special attention to the rhythms:
15.85, 15.87, 15.88, 15.90 (resist all temptations to change keys!), 15.91 (ditto), 15.93, 15.98

Rising Level 4's
Read through the following Ottmans, paying special attention to the rhythms:
15.92, 15.94 (don't be pulled astray by chromaticism...hear the resolutions!), 15.95 (ditto), 15.99 (change solfa to A minor in the 3rd line, second measure), 15.101, 15.103 (think of the tied eighths before the downbeats as anticipations, and don't go too me), 15.116 (remember the style...don't take it too seriously!).

And, if you are feeling overwhelmed, listen to this, or this, or maybe this (I don't necessarily recommend the videos, but the music is good stuff). Or, in case of a serious Christmas emergency, click here.

Best of luck to you all!

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