Monday, June 13, 2011

Knowing your role....

Hello, my beloved solfeggists!

First, a note to my dear Baltimore students.....I sent you an email this morning/afternoon. If you didn't receive it, please let me know! It contains important stuff!

This is a strange time of year for many of us -- we find ourselves in the position of needing to change up our daily routine, either because we're winding up the school year, the weather is changing, we're getting ready to move to a new place, we're trying to cope with having more time to think....or any combination of the above. It can be stressful...this is definitely the time of year I tend not to sleep well, and it's the part of the year I tend to torture myself the most over whatever I am or am not doing to finish this, start that, etc. I hypothesize that the change in role has much to do with my feelings of anxiety, and I strongly suspect I'm not the only one.

So, as we move into the part of the year where teachers take a break from teaching (and some turn into students!), some students become teachers, performers become listeners, and all of us hopefully slow down a little, here is your assignment:

All Levels
Take a walk.
Write in a journal. Don't judge what you write. If you want, burn the pages afterward.
Pet a dog.
Spend a morning in your PJ's.
Have a cup of tea.
Listen to some music that refreshes you, or moves you, or reminds you of who you are.
Look at pictures from a trip that you loved taking.
Call your best friend.


Each day, read through one of these:

Look at both parts, transpose at will. If at all possible, meet up with a solfa colleague and practice singing together, switching up who takes the melody.


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